
Boogers Pee and Cuddles On Me

I have had a lot of questions about what ministry looks like here in India. So for a small taste, let us walk through my noon-1pm everyday, where I spend the hour with Jasmine from Courage Home:



I transition Jasmine from preschool          We pass our friends as we begin our

to one-on-one time with a fun activity.       journey to the bookshelf. At the

namely, dancing or spinning on a               bookshelf, we select two books to take

scooter^                                                         with us into the next room



As Jasmine holds the books in one hand,

she uses her guide cane in the other.         With verbal and hand-over-hand help,

I guide her with my voice, and small          Jasmine puts her guide cane away, and

taps on her shoulders. We make our          feels her way along one wall to the shoe

way through a doorway, around a              rack. Where she then knows to set her

corner, and to a basket.                                book and herself down!    




After reading, we stand up (which                Once through the doorway, Jasmine

involves me propping Jasmine onto           would like a break. So I pull out the

her hands and knees, and a lot of            clapper for extra fun sound motivation,

prompting) and I direct her into               rather than her having to hear “Come on

the “puzzle room” by walking                    Jasmine, you can do it.” For the

down the cooridor outside.                       hundredth time in the last 40 minutes.



When stamina, or annoyance from hearing my voice kicks in, she makes her way to the cabinet. We (hand-over-hand) open the doors, feel around for options, and pick out a “puzzle” and some sort of sensory activity.



     Today’s choices were a ring stack          When she moves her foot in rebellion      

And bubbles! But did Jasmine want           and accidently knocks down the rings,

to participate? Ha! This is my every            we’re in business! But guess what?

single moment response from this             It’s 1 o’clock and time for lunch.




All the children get undressed to eat

because they honestly get extremely         Before I know it, it’s time for afternoon

messy (which we would too if we               ministry.                                                                    

couldn’t see what we were eating

or doing.) So we end our

morning with a hug, a kiss,

and a “See ya tomorrow!”   

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