True Life: Love Doesn’t Make Sense

    The first wave of screaming nannies shuffles in at 6 am. Bare feet scrape the floor and the startling clang of kitchenware crashing onto the floor wakes me from sleep. Not long after their indiscreet arrival, the tangy scent of curry permeates throughout my room from the cracks in the door. I pull back the rose-printed curtain from the window above my bed, only to reveal the same chaos that occurs every morning. Women, both young and old, scatter across the room in sarees and punjabis. They giggle as they scoop rice into their mouths, banter to each other in Telegu, and bark humorously...

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Perfection isn’t Everything | failure

Every afternoon when I finish up my one-on-ones , the girls and I go play on the roof. A time where we run, play and over all laugh (a lot). As we started to play on the roof this afternoon at Joy Home, the water holder started to overflow all over the roof and rather then tell the girls to stay out of it, I encouraged them to play in it. Thus began a water fight and dance competition! We kicked, splashed and jumped in and out of the water. Then the girls chased me around a good bit trying to tickle me and drag me through the water. We then had our dance compition-of course I judged and they...

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Boogers Pee and Cuddles On Me

I have had a lot of questions about what ministry looks like here in India. So for a small taste, let us walk through my noon-1pm everyday, where I spend the hour with Jasmine from Courage Home:                                                            I transition Jasmine from preschool          We pass our friends as we begin our to one-on-one time...

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Turns Out I’m Not On Vacation

Depression (noun): 1.) feelings of severe despondency and dejection. As a female I am not a stranger to having feelings I can’t explain. Emotions often creep up on me and swallow me. Not that I’d like to attribute emotional unstability to a particular gender, but ladies, I think you understand what I mean. When confronted with something I don’t understand I get frustrated. I let my circumstances dictate how I handle everything else. This past week I was low. We’re talking past rock bottom, sediment low. I stayed in bed as long as possible in the morning. I was quiet....

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“I am the God of the heavens and the earth, and everything in between. I am the God that stood inside and outside of time; I am the God of creation. I am the God of your ancestors: I am the God of Isaac, of Jacob, of Abraham. I am more than a great teacher; I am more than a great moral example. I am more than a man who has been sent by God to give a message of hope and reconciliation. I am in the flesh: the perfect picture of who God truly is. If you want a picture of the end that will give you hope for the beginning, you look to the person of Jesus Christ.” Hope is something I have...

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Sometimes it’s hard to hold orphans all day

After the alarm has been snoozed 5 times too many, I wake up in a puddle of my sweat. My hair looks like I’ve lived in a cave the past two years. I put on my kurta along with my mis-matched wrinkly leggings that smell of baby spit and curry that I perhaps didn’t eat. I can hear the sweet babies that are crying upstairs and the ladies in the kitchen as they drop what seems like the fifth pot since 5 AM. It’s these moments at 9:30 in the morning that I think about quitting the most. My mind seems to take my flesh captive and lies to me about all the bad things that are going...

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